Fantastic with a touch of weird

Yesterday was the second day at work and I´m still like a kid in the candy store – love it. The evening was devoted to the celebration of Patti Smith at the Polar Music Prize and happy to wear something else than sneakers I got in to my brand new shoes. Big mistake. Huge. After only a few minutes while trying to blend in with people in toxidos and fancy dresses I realise that these shoes are not going to do me right. Thinking that it is a good idea to take them off during dinner for the feet to relax I after several attempts understand that I will not be able to get the shoes on again…So, leaving dinner and royalties behind barefoot with shoes in hand. Did not look to good. And it didn´t get any better by the fact that the police stood outside wondering why I was walking down the street barefoot at midnight. To top this – I got back home and was sending my sister and her fiancé home after having taken care of the kids during the evening, and while saying goodbyes on the stairs of our house a very creepy man all of a sudden came out of our garden from behind a bush! What was he doing in our garden after midnight? I don´t even want to know…But all in all – a good day. Hope yours was too. Now, good night and sleep tight.

2 reaktion på “Fantastic with a touch of weird

  1. Erika sa
    har precis upplevt samma sak själv. Nya skor, ej ingångna – fullkomlig disaster.
    Tips – blöt lite tunnare sockar och gå i skorna ett par timmar då och då – kan hjälpa.

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