My scrolling day. And a little bit more…

Skärmavbild 2016-02-04 kl. 09.51.00I´ve been meaning to do this for a long time. First of all I should definitely have a permanent blog roll – I love that feature but am just to technically unwilling to proceed – and second of all, I started this list a while ago when all discussions of more fellow blog love started. In addition to the category that I´ve always had called simply ”Blog love” or ”Instagram favorites of the week” (categorized under ”Insta moments”), I just want to remind you or give you some new ideas on where to find inspiration.

To limit myself at least a little bit this time these are my Swedish daily scrolls but of course there are many other super inspirational pages out there as well. Let me get back to those. Both outside of Sweden and within. Unfortunately I have to say that my list might not cover many things you haven´t seen before….most of the blogs on there are blogs that you see and hear about all the time. But the reason for already having discovered them is probably because they are so good…. Nevertheless, this is my daily list and hopefully you will find something you like and most of all – please fill in if not! I would love to find new blogs, tumblr´s or other.

Before we hit the road on this one – I just want to say thank you for sticking with me. Even if I´m not very personal with sharing things, not showing and telling that much about my life, not telling trends because others do it so well and you don´t need me for that, not  using very much of my personal library of pictures and not even use a lot of words when posting things (this might be the record….)

But for the ones who have been here for a while and know what this is all about for me – it´s about sharing inspiration. Feelings. Yes, that´s what it´s about. I want you to feel something when you scroll through my blog. And that´s what my work is all about too. Like it, hate it – but feel something. I could definitely have a much more important job in so many ways but as long as I can inspire or move someone to feel something that is an achievement too. Because in the world we live in (and believe me, this is something that I struggle with every single day. Especially the balance of doing something that could easily be described as superficial) – – in the world we live in we need a little bit of inspiration. If we even have the privilige of having those thoughts. But we need dreams. We need something. I´m not offering something for everyone but only what inspires me or makes me smile.

With that said – these are some of my (Swedish) scrolls throughout the day. Enjoy!  Axx

Lotta Agaton – assisting Lotta in Autumn 2011, my change of career into an interior stylist started and she had always been a huge source of inspiration before that, during my time with her and after. The queen of styling and inspiration with amazing taste and eye.

Hanna Wessman– I just love this blog and Hanna is one of the sweetest and most inspirational people I know. Even half of that energy and style she has would be enough to provide a whole country. The perfect combination of interior and fashion. Also, don´t miss out on the other blogs under the umbrella of Hanna´s Room, you can find them here.

Trendenser – I´ve always like´d Frida´s blog but I have to say that this one even get´s better and better all the time. Such great knowledge and a perfect way to keep up dated on interior news and design. Love seeing people with a clear vision making dream after dream come true and if would pic one to follow if you are interested in what is going on within the Swedish border´s of design – Trendenser is without doubt the one to follow.

Husligheter – my dear friend Maria Soxbo, the woman who with a pen can turn anything into magic. News, ideas and great coverage of what is going on in the blogosphere. And lately also the one with the most inspiring ideas and thoughts on how to make your interior choices sustainable.

Daniella Witte – love Daniella´s style and how she just seem to produce one more inspirational picture after another. Her choice of colors are always impeccable too. In addition she has got her own webshop with many great things. I´m hoping for the beautiful sheep skins to get back in stock again so that I can shop some more…

Johanna Bradford – always true to her style and has always been a really cool entrepreneur with lots of ideas. When going to Beckman´s College of Design together with Johanna (as well as with Pella, in the class tutored by Lotta Agaton – yes, it´s a small pond here) she once said that her dream was to start a platform of several interior blogs and I don´t think it was more than a year after that she started the very well known Lovely Life. A great example of that dreams can come true if you just have the energy to run for it. Johanna has recently passed on Lovely Life to other inspirational people but is still going strong with the blog sharing her own name, Johanna Bradford.

Seventeen Doors – really like to scroll through Ulrika´s blog (also a former Lovely Life executive member) as we often have the same taste and she features homes that are not only within one style. Like myself it seems Ulrika even though true to her own taste likes to be inspired by even what is not what you would pick for your own home but feel joy to see anyhow. In addition she has a weekly column often on an interesting interior related topic.

Josefin Hååg – impeccable style and a great eye for what makes a picture perfect. Her own home and instagram account are great examples of this. Real estate agent Fantastic Frank are most likely also thankful for her making magic of many objects for sale.

Sanna Fisher Nordström – you can see that Sanna & Hanna Wessman are friends, they are both crazy good with both interior and fashion. I love scrolling through Sanna´s blog as well as Instagram and always find things that I like. The fact that she has now bought a summer house in Mallorca and we get to tag along on the renovations is a lovely bonus. She is making my dream come true while I (still) can´t afford it and I love to be inspired.

Stil Inspiration – Pella has got a very clear signature style and never fails to inspire. Extra plus also to all of these blogs that keeps on up dating on a regular basis, it really makes a big difference and more fun to follow. She is now also a part of the My Home team with their recently launched My Home magazine.

Jennie Hammar – not 100% interior maybe but who can resist longing for sunnier days with your own prodigious garden. And I can tell you, her house and garden is to die for and you can see some glimpses here and there. And yes, I´ve tried to convince her to show the whole thing but no….at least not yet.

Karin Bastin – one more of my LA friends. Karin´s blog is exactly as she describes it ”More is More” and sometimes that is just what we need. And speaking of houses – her house is really extraordinary. We might not share taste at first sight but I just love all the personality and effort that goes into every single piece of her home. You can really feel when someone puts a soul into a house.

Anine Bing – it´s almost crazy how fast things has grown into a super industry for this woman – I think it´s only in 3 years – but how I´ve enjoyed the journey and in addition she has probably got the office dream. Big open space with industrial windows and lots of light. I´ll make sure to post some pics just in case you´ve missed it.

Sofi Fahrman – might actually have been the first blog I ever started to follow. Travels, fashion and lifestyle in a never ending inspirational mix. Extra plus for the endless up dates no matter if she is on a holiday or not. An inspirational woman for sure and with a lifestyle that can make anyone wish for more.

Emma Elwin & Make It Last – one of the pioneers within the area of sustainability and such a sweet and inspirational person. Also with a lot of nice and beautiful images and editorial pieces. All of the surfing featured also makes me want to try very soon. One woman to be certain of making more big things in the future.

Hitta Hem – a little bit biased of course since one of my current projects is working for the absolutely lovely Marie Ramse of the blog Hitta Hem & JM (the building developer). The blog features all of JM´s new projects and Marie always has great taste and new inspiring ideas to explore.

Petra Tungården – without ever having met her she strikes me as a very funny and outspoken person who seems to have an ever ending energy. She and Sanna Fisher Nordström (mentioned above) have made Metro Mode into more than just fashion and are covering the field of interior in a very inspirational way. The fact that Petra currently is decorating her new apartment and sharing all of that on the blog is an extra plus.

Amelia Widell – a great selection of images and inspiration and like for example Seventeen Doors I find her taste is refreshing because of the fact that it is not only seeing the same things over and over again. Amelia has also just started her own sofa brand MeliMeli that makes you crave for a new sofa right away.

Cecilia Blankens – another LA inspiration with pics and stories of her daily life with three kids and her own shoe brand. There is just something about LA that I love and looking through the lense of inspiring people is always fun.

All is pretty – beautiful esthetics by Annie who is also very true to her style and share crisp and minimalistic inspiration with attention to lovely details.

Ems Designblogg – last but surely not the least, one of the blogs that have been around for a very long time and that was one of the first interior blogs I ever started to read. Often minimalistic with a love for Scandinavian features, Em is still one of my favorites.

16 reaktion på “My scrolling day. And a little bit more…

  1. Amen Anna, så himla himla fint inlägg. TACK för värmande och smickrande ord!! Känner att de satt extra fint just nu när mitt huvud är lite överfyllt och en gnutta förvirrat……..

    Vill också slänga över en stor kram för den inspiration DU alltid ger, både här på bloggen och i de jobb du gör.


    • Så välförtjänt Daniella, bara bra om vi kan ge varandra lite upplyftande ord ibland. Man behöver det (även om man råkar tillhöra gruppen av bloggare som kanske skulle kallas mer välkänd). Och tack själv för värmande ord! Kram & hoppas verkligen vi får ses på mässan. Axx

        • Samma här, också där på tisdagen! Kul! Kommer redan på pressfrukosten och ska sedan knata runt med Kristofer Johnsson som du säkert också känner. Vet inte om vi hinner lunch men då kommer vi ses hursom. Det är verkligen på tiden! Kram! A

  2. Fint med blogg-tips, men är det verkligen en sådan här ankdamm? Har sett väldigt många sådana här listor på sistone och de ger helt enkelt bara en känsla av att inredningsblogg-Sverige är en klubb för inbördes beundran. Alla de stora, som jag tror att de flesta av oss läsare redan är väldigt bekanta med, tipsar om varandra.

    Kanske är det helt enkelt så att de största också är de bästa men de här tipsen ger mig ingenting. Mycket roligare om ni som representerar de stora bloggarna skulle bjussa lite och lyfta en up-and-coming bloggare.

    • Hej Malin. Tack för ditt svar! Vad synd att du inte hittade något som du inte redan sett men det var ju också något som jag inledande poängterade att några säkert skulle kunna känna. Har väldigt mkt internationella läsare också och säkerligen sådana som inte är som du och jag och lägger alldeles för mkt tid på bloggläsande 🙂 De kanske med andra ord inte har koll på alla dessa 19.

      Jag kan inte svara för de övriga men kan förstå att det ibland kan uppfattas som en klubb för inbördes beundran då de ofta är samma bloggar som lyfts fram. Dock kan jag säga med största säkerhet att vi alla gärna skulle vilja lyfta nya bloggare om vi bara fick upp ögonen för dessa. Men jag har tyvärr alltför lite tid för att verkligen djupdyka i allt nytt hur mkt jag än vill – därför bad jag också om tips då jag så gärna vill ha just nytt. Har du några nya tips? Vore supertacksam för det. Är helt säker på att det finns hur många fina bloggar som helst utöver min lista. Vilket jag också nämner. Men denna lista är min dagliga scrolling och jag är väldigt glad att få inspiration från dessa 19 som jag vet lägger ner massor av arbete på att få fram bra innehåll och flera av dem har dessutom orkat göra det dag ut och dag in i flera år. Det kräver ihärdighet, tro mig. Håller tummarna för att jag får addera till listan med nya & bra bloggar som förhoppningsvis dyker upp här i kommentarerna. Allt gott, Anna x

      • Tack för ett långt och fint svar på min tråkiga kommentar. Lågt blodsocker eller något… Du har naturligtvis rätt att alla inte känner till dessa nitton och eftersom jag också följer samtliga så kan jag verkligen skriva under på att de är riktigt bra och förtjänar att läsas.

        Det är verkligen inte ofta det bubblar upp nykomlingar som kommer till min kännedom. Har inga bra tips. Det är ju nu jag skulle tipsat om min egen blogg om jag fortfarande haft en. 😉 Är bloggosfären mättad?! Två favoriter är dock Elsa Billgren och Krickelin. Knappast några nykomlingar, men såå bra.

        Keep up The good work och sorry för min sura kommentar.

        Ha en fin kväll!

        • Ingen fara alls! Man måste få ha åsikter och ändå viktigt att ha högt i tak. Du här rätt, kanske är bloggosfären lite mättad…Kan tänka mig att det är riktigt svårt att ta sig fram idag, det upplevde jag redan när jag startade och det är ju ändå ett bra tag sedan nu. Synd att du slutat blogga annars hade jag gärna läst! Och håller med om Krickelin och Elsa Billgren är riktigt bra också! Perfection Makes Me Yawn & flera av bloggarna hos Lovely Life. Brass & Gold hos Hannas Room osv osv riktigt fina. Skulle kunna förlänga listan rejält säkerligen men var tvungen att sluta någonstans 🙂

          Ha det nu riktigt bra!

    • Åh vad bra Nadja Mini! (säger man hela eller bara Nadja?) Det blir ju lätt samma samma men om någon hittar något nytt i detta så är ju det toppen. Ax

  3. Alltid roligt med tips! Några hade jag inte koll på. När jag öppnade min sida trodde jag att den bara skulle vara en dokumentation över projekten här hemma, men så tog liksom fotointresset över. Bildknarkare kanske… Och då passar ju de fina bilderna du visar perfekt. Tack!

    • Vad kul Emma! Du är ju en av dem som kommenterar också vilket gör mig väldigt glad. Så mkt roligare med tvåvägskommunikation 🙂 Ha en skön kväll! Ax
